Skala Adventures is committed to providing unique opportunities of growth, transformation and adventure by engaging in wilderness travel and personal experiential learning.
Katarina has been working in the field of experiential education for a number of years, instructing at adventure programs and wilderness expeditions across Canada, Alaska and Europe. Her experience as a wilderness guide and a youth worker for addiction programs in the Canadian Rockies has allowed her to implement and share her knowledge in various youth at risk re-integration centres across various parts of the world.
“I value having an opportunity to just be still, in the wilderness – breathing fresh air, enjoying the warming sun on my face or feeling the wind in my hair. In an open space or by the fire, I express myself differently; I share my emotions naturally, I receive life without judgment.
I am excited to grow and walk together, as we recognize who we are and what our purpose is on this earth. Exploring God’s pursuit of our hearts has been a passion of mine to share with others, and I am grateful to embark on this journey with you.
It is my hope and desire to help women, men and their families to become free – physically, emotionally and spiritually…
So seize the day, lighten your load, and take care of yourself while immersing yourself in a beautiful creation made for us to enjoy!”
We believe that wilderness is a wild place around us or within us. Here, we are invited to be still, to shout out, to explore…perhaps explore that we ever thought was impossible. We are drawn to wild places for solitude, wisdom or connection, this connection re-aligns us to our Creator, to ourselves, to others …
As we desire to connect to ourselves, to get back to basics, to live simply…we are joined together on a heart-changing journey.
Skala wilderness programs are focused on personal development for:
Join us on a personal growth journey as we learn outdoor skills, environmental ethics, as well as safe backcountry travel on multi-day wilderness trips.
Skala Adventures is committed to providing unique opportunities of growth, transformation and adventure by engaging in wilderness travel and personal experiential learning.
Team of guides, participants and partners believe in a common goal of cultivating a positive and safe experience through challenging and life-changing journeys.